HIV can speed up aging

12 July 2022, 10:54 | Health 
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HIV can accelerate aging in the body New study shows that the human immunodeficiency virus can accelerate the process of cellular aging. It also suggested that HIV infection reduces life expectancy by about 5 years..

More than four decades after the discovery of HIV, scientists are still gaining new insights into how the virus affects overall human health.. And now, researchers from the University of California at Los Angeles have proven that HIV can accelerate aging at the cellular level within just two to three years after entering the body.. The authors of the study believe that the data obtained allow us to paint an even clearer picture of the role of the virus in age-related processes, especially when compared with people who do not have HIV infection..

How to stop your aging In general, scientists have proven that HIV infection shortens a person's life expectancy by about 5 years.. Today there is a highly active antiretroviral therapy, receiving which patients can live for decades with HIV in their body.. But studies of this kind show that even with the availability of these drugs, the virus should not be taken lightly, and all necessary preventive measures, including educational programs, should be taken to ensure that people living with HIV infection adhere to the therapeutic regimen, and new infections occur as little as possible..

Factors are listed that are precursors to the rapid aging of the body. Unfortunately, a significant number of patients with HIV do not have access to adequate therapy for one reason or another.. All this reduces their life expectancy and brings the onset of the AIDS stage closer, at which pathological processes in the body develop quite quickly.. With the transition of HIV to the state of AIDS, the patient can expect to live, on average, from one to three years, after which he will die from some kind of opportunistic infection against the background of the almost complete disappearance of immunity in the body.

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