Zelenskyy entrusted the Cabinet of Ministers to think about the provision of drinking water for the elimination of the community

11 July 2022, 16:51 | Ukraine 
фото с e-news.com.ua

President Volodymyr Zelensky. Vіn not hindering the list of such initiatives, but the shards of changing the migration legislation and the prerogative of the order of the Verkhovna Rada - transferring її to the Cabinet of Ministers.

" Therefore, I turned to the Prime Minister of Ukraine D. Shmihal's scams are comprehensively destroyed in the electronic petition for food,"

The author of the petition says what he sleeps for the elimination of the hulkiness - the practice of life in the world. So sleep in Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Germany, USA and other countries.

Combinations could help to understand the difference, and in a nutshell, candidates should pass a test on knowledge of the language, history and constitution of the country, as well as to play the national anthem.

Andrey Vodyany LIGABusinessInform.

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