Dasha Astafieva answered which of the Russian artists she still communicates with

10 July 2022, 19:18 | gossip 
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But, as the celebrity admitted, almost all of them have simply dissipated since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine..

She spoke about this in an interview with the YouTube channel ISLND TV..

However, they still communicate with some Dasha. In particular, the singer is in correspondence with humorist Ekaterina Varnava and comedian Semyon Slepakov. According to Astafieva, in instant messengers she writes to them first. And all because he wants to make sure whether they still support Ukraine and adequately understand the situation..

Dasha also has many relatives on her father's side in the Russian Federation. But the singer stopped communicating with them, because they are "

" Some friends wrote, asked about my emotional state. I still correspond with my star friends: with Katya Varnava and Slepakov. But I am writing first to see if they are still human.. Relatives who live in the Russian Federation are simply gone,"

Источник: ТСН.ua