Elos epilation: tips

09 July 2022, 00:57 | Health 
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Elos (elos) epilation is the most modern, effective, safe and painless hair removal system both on the whole body and on the face. Most patients achieve a complete cessation of hair growth, or significantly reduce their growth.. The elos epilation machine includes two energies: light energy and bipolar radio frequency. The light distributes the temperature in the direction of the hair shaft, the cooling protects the skin from overheating - reducing the risk of skin burns and irritation. RF energy affects the hair follicle, destroying it, according to Pannochka, an online publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net Readings:.

• Growth of unwanted hair.


•Ingrown hair.

•Professional requirements (athletes).


•Oncological diseases.


• Herpes in the period of exacerbation.



When to do it: before the elos epilation session, the dermatologist-cosmetologist collects detailed information about the patient's health status, his skin type, hair color. Number of procedures: the desired result is achieved after the first session.

Result: provides an incredibly long-lasting effect of clean, smooth and delicate skin.

Recovery period: no need - you can sunbathe the very next day.

Pain: slight tingling sensations are possible.

nedug. en.

По материалам: pannochka.net