Efrosinina told where her husband is now and about their romantic meeting after a long separation: “My wonderful sex”

08 July 2022, 19:34 | gossip 
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In the new edition of the show "

According to Efrosinina, her husband is part of a volunteer detachment and is being trained. The presenter admitted that her beloved came to Warsaw, where she was also, for humanitarian aid:.

" We have changed a lot. He is now part of a volunteer detachment, he is undergoing training, he is all in the military, they are preparing. He has already seen a lot. He came to me in Warsaw for humanitarian cargo. And me with my German life, a lot of work, a lot of stress. And we had such a strange vibration,"

However, Polyakova recalled that in the previous program, Efrosinina screamed that she had not had sex for two months.. And I asked if everything came out now:.

" My beautiful sex that fixed everything. Moreover, it turns out that after 20 years of relationship, sex can be very new.. Because you really missed each other. Because it turned out that we never parted for 2.5 months with my husband. And this also has a certain charm, "

In turn, Olya Polyakova admitted that in peacetime she had many complaints against her husband. However, when the artist had to go abroad with her children, their communication with her beloved became very tender:.

" And today we communicate very warmly. We never talked like that, he misses us very much and we miss him. That is, "

Источник: ТСН.ua