Women experience more brain changes after menopause

06 July 2022, 22:24 | Health 
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Women experience more brain changes after menopause Researchers from the American Academy of Neurology have concluded that postmenopausal women are more likely to have more brain biomarkers called white matter hyperintensity.. And this indicates a greater number of characteristic brain changes..

Menopausal women have higher levels of a brain biomarker called white matter hyperintensity than pre-menopausal or age-matched women. These are tiny lesions that are only seen on brain scans.. They become more common with age.. It is also noted in uncontrolled hypertension..

Menopause deprives women of the joy of fitness The more biomarker data in the human brain, the higher the risk of dementia, stroke and intellectual decline. Over the years, the level of intensity of white matter in the brain increases, but this does not mean that a person will certainly face a stroke or dementia.. Only the risk of these pathologies increases. Study explores role menopause may play in brain biomarker data. It has been established that white matter hyperintensity develops differently in men and women, but the determining factors are menopause or its onset..

Sex could get even more after menopause Researchers looked at 3,410 people with an average age of 54. 58% were women, and of these, 59% had already entered menopause. 35% had high blood pressure, and half of them had it uncontrolled.

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