The European Parliament recognized gas and nuclear power plants as "

06 July 2022, 19:29 | Economy 
фото с Зеркало недели

The European Parliament has recognized that investments in nuclear energy and gas are in line with the concept of sustainable development under certain conditions, reports DW.

This means that the taxonomy - a list of technologies that investors will have the right to market as "

Blocking the recognition of gas and nuclear energy as " Experts consider this option unlikely..

A number of European countries, in particular France, are guided by the fact that nuclear energy does not lead to the emission of " However, at the same time, it is a source of radioactive waste.. Other EU countries, including Poland, consider gas a lesser evil for the environment than coal.

In the EU, less controversial taxonomy rules have already come into force this year, such as electric cars and building renovations..

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No nuclear power plant in the world has been designed to operate in a war. However, it seems that Europe, and indeed the whole world, is not fully aware of the level of danger in which we all live over the past months.. After all, Ukrainian nuclear power plants operate under shelling and occupation, which creates the threat of another nuclear accident, which may be even more massive than the April 1986 catastrophe.. Read more in the article by Alexandra Khmarnaya and Oksana Ananyeva "

Источник: Зеркало недели