Doctors called the first symptoms of liver disease that should not be missed

04 July 2022, 22:23 | Health 
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Doctors called the first symptoms of liver disease that should not be missed Scientists from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine found that the development of fatty liver disease can be determined by two signs. One of them is yellow skin color.

Fatty liver disease is characterized by the gradual accumulation of fatty deposits in the liver.. This is a very dangerous condition that is easier to prevent than to treat.. But for this it is important to pay attention to the symptoms in a timely manner..

Doctors say that "

Bruising can also signal problems with the liver.. Large bluish-violet spots on the body appear even with minor blows. If you experience these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

In addition, the accumulation of fat in the liver may be a response to toxic effects.. Sometimes it is associated with chronic diseases, doctors say. In any case, any change in condition is a serious reason to see a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination..

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