Retrochorial hematoma during early pregnancy

03 July 2022, 22:56 | Health 
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Retrochorial hematoma during early pregnancy is a fairly common pathological condition, since it is in the first trimester that the probability of detachment of the ovum is highest. This phenomenon is considered as a sign of a threatened abortion, and therefore therapy is best done in a hospital under medical supervision..

Retrochorial hematoma occurs in early pregnancy. The appearance of this type of hematoma is a partial detachment of the chorionic plate from the underlying decidua.. Chorion is the outer shell of the fetal egg, covered with numerous villi that grow into the inner wall of the surface of the uterus..

It is the precursor of the placenta, which, until its final formation by the beginning of the second trimester, is responsible for protecting the fetus from internal and external influences..

Drawing pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, as well as brown discharge are the main signs of a pathological condition, in the event of which it is important to consult a gynecologist for advice..

If the disease is detected at a later date, even with adequate treatment, there is a possibility of fetoplacental insufficiency, hypoxia, intrauterine growth retardation and other serious consequences.

Causes of the formation of a retrochorial hematoma Due to detachment, a subchorial space is formed in which blood clots accumulate. In approximately 18% of cases, retrochorial (subchorionic, retromeningeal) hematoma is the cause of bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy.

It is almost impossible to predict the formation of a subchorial hematoma, as well as to accurately determine the cause of its development.. This pathological condition can occur due to many factors, namely:.

physical strain;

harmful environmental impact;

hormonal disorders;

malformations of the uterus;

genital infantilism;

abdominal trauma;

chronic endometritis;

infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital zone of various origins;

autoimmune processes;

persistent viral-bacterial infection;

bleeding disorder;


excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, drug addiction;

early and late toxicosis;

fetal malformations;

external factors: hypothermia, overheating and others.

In many cases, pathology is observed in patients who have undergone such medical procedures as ovulation stimulation and in vitro fertilization (IVF), and is accompanied by luteal insufficiency of varying degrees.. In them, the hematoma becomes the result of an immunological conflict between the mother and fetus due to the activation of immunomodulatory mechanisms mediated by progesterone..

Symptoms You can suspect a pathological condition by the following symptoms:.

pain in the lower abdomen, pulling and radiating to the lumbar region, resembling premenstrual;

brownish vaginal discharge;

constant weakness and fatigue.

One of the main symptoms is pain in the lower abdomen. It should be borne in mind that these signs are non-specific and may differ in severity and even be completely absent.. In many cases, a hematoma is discovered randomly, since its development is not accompanied by pain or discharge.. In addition to mild discomfort, a woman may not be bothered by anything, which delays the timely detection of education, and, accordingly, the start of therapy.

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