Scientists have identified five nail signs of transferred COVID-19

01 July 2022, 10:43 | Health 
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Researchers continue their work on a thorough study of COVID-19 and its consequences for the human body. The Fact Store reports on one of the studies, the results of which claim that fingernails can tell that a person has had a coronavirus. Scientists identify five such signs.

As Professor Tim Spector, one of the authors of the scientific work, notes, even an asymptomatic disease affects the human body.. And changing the appearance of the nails is one such marker..

The most common phenomenon among recovered COVID-19 scientists call the manifestation of horizontal stripes on the nails. But there are other, much more noticeable signs.. One of them, researchers call the appearance of minor depressions at the base of the nail.. In addition, some patients developed slight crescent-shaped red spots, while others had orange fingertips..

Scientists also note another, least pleasant for patients, sign of a coronavirus.. In some cases, patients may begin to lose their nails, but the person himself will not feel any discomfort or pain due to the loss of nails..

medical-heal. en.

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