Chemical diet for diabetics - why this food is popular for weight loss

01 July 2022, 01:00 | Health 
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Diabetic chemical diet - why this food is popular for weight loss. Is such nutrition suitable for everyone - in the article People who follow a chemical diet can lose weight and forget about the depressing feeling of hunger, because proteins give a feeling of satiety for a long time. At least that is what Osama Hamdi, Doctor of Medicine and Philosophy, promises in his book.

This type of diet was developed as a quality weight management tool for people suffering from various endocrine disorders, in particular diabetes.. However, suitable for anyone who wants to bring their weight back to normal. World fame came to Osama Hamda as a result of the publication of his book called "

So, what does a chemical diet mean Weighing and recording the results every day is a prerequisite for the chemical diet of Osama Hamdi. You should purchase high-quality scales, for example, electronic ones, which give a minimum error in readings.

And when the guide or menu does not indicate a certain amount of acceptable food, you can eat until you feel full.. However, try not to overeat.. If you suddenly feel strong hunger urges between regular meals, you can eat a tomato or cucumber..

But potatoes, white rice, sweets, alcohol will have to be excluded from the diet, vegetables - cooked in boiling water without adding oil and salt. From meat you can only lean fish and meat, smoked meats, sausages and other processed foods will also have to be abandoned.

Drink enough water throughout the diet. Approximate norm 1. 5-2 liters of liquid per day. There is no need to give up your favorite drinks, coffee or tea.

However, you will have to refrain from sugar and milk, as well as from sweeteners, including stevia.. You can start a diet according to the Hamdi method only after consulting with your doctor and nutritionist. Since this type of diet includes a lot of eggs and is still not fully balanced.

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