Viagra can cause vision loss

28 June 2022, 11:46 | Health 
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Viagra, or sildenafil, is by far the most popular drug used for erectile dysfunction.. It is also used to treat gastroparesis and pulmonary arterial hypertension.. However, recent research by scientists has revealed a dangerous side effect that occurs when taking Viagra - a negative effect on vision, Science World Report reports..

The drug interferes with the functioning of the enzyme necessary for the transmission of light signals from the retina to the brain. Such exposure is especially dangerous for people with a hereditary eye pathology leading to vision loss - retinitis pigmentosa..

A person can have normal vision and still be a carrier of the gene that causes retinitis pigmentosa without even knowing it.. Meanwhile, such a mutation occurs quite often - in almost every fiftieth inhabitant of the planet. The disease develops due to a mutation in the gene responsible for the production of the PDE6 enzyme.. Retinitis pigmentosa occurs when the body has two copies of the altered gene..

In the new study, researchers observed healthy mice and mice with a similar mutation after a single injection of sildenafil.. As a result of the course of treatment in healthy mice, there was a temporary loss of vision. In rodents with mutations, this effect lasted longer.. The experimenters also recorded signs of cell death in the visual organ of these mice.. Viagra caused degenerative processes in carriers of retinal pathology.

Exceeding the dosage of Viagra leads to temporary visual impairment also in perfectly healthy people.. There are side effects in the form of increased sensitivity to bright light, impaired color perception and blurred vision.. Scientists believe that when prescribing Viagra, specialists should take into account the likelihood of developing blindness.

global science. en.

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