Vcheni richly found out about those, like microbiota invest in health

24 June 2022, 10:05 | Health 
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Potentially, it can be affected as a result of changing the stock of microbiota after the transfer of nominally harmless bacteria.

Healthy mind and deep knowledge of biology to tell us that among other people we can only get infected with infectious diseases. A new article, as published in the journal Science, puts the axiom without doubt. Vcheni say that the accumulated scientific data speak on the mercilessness of what we can “recover” in other people with obesity, dementia, heart-sudinny and deyakі іnshi ailments. Potentially, it can be affected as a result of changing the storage of microbiota after the transfer of nominally harmless bacteria, inform Ukr. media.

In the rest of the years, the scientists knew a lot about those that microbiota (microorganisms that live in human organisms and on yoga surfaces) contribute to health. For example, we are aware of the roles in the development of obesity and heart disease. And about those who can take part in the transfer of non-infectious ailments from person to person, they did not declare earlier. Do not declare the stench of this and at once, but in the new article of the stench indicate that this theory will require detailed investigation.

It seems that obesity can spread among certain groups of people. In 2007, there was a great success, for someone for 12,000 osіb they predicted a stretch of 30 years, it showed that people, who have one of the fat ones, can develop a risky development of which I will become 57% higher. A similar phenomenon of descriptions and for friends.

In studies on animals, it has been shown that the transplantation of microbiota in mice with obesity in healthy mice sharply increases the risk of obesity. Were carried out and victorious experiments: transplantation of healthy microbiota improved the progression of Alzheimer's disease and cardiovascular disease in sick mice.

Vіdomі, albeit not studied in detail, ways of transferring microbiota from human to human: intrauterine from mother to child, transmission of fecal bacteria.

“Because of the summation of data, a promising concept appears,” said Brett Finlay, professor at the University of British Columbia in Canada, the leading author of the study.

A new theory is more advanced than the theory of transmission of infectious diseases, as it explains the role of viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. For example, obesity can effectively “spread out” among singing groups of people. Ale on viniknennya tsogo I will also be able to pour in a hot middle and genetics. Vodnochas, navkolyshne middle ground and genetic factors infuse into the molding of microbiota. Although it is effective to use microbiota, as it increases the risk of Alzheimer's ailment, it does not mean that after this, the coming of the ailment appears in a person on the onset of the wound. The development of rich chronic ailments occupies rocky or ten years. Not all people who have risk factors become ill.

Vcheni pіdkreslyuyut, scho mova go not about one shkidlivy bacterium, but about change on the equal microbiome, so that you can change yourself in impersonal ways.

All the scenes are intriguing for those who can easily convey a new theory. Vcheni have expanded the criteria for future achievements. The stench is based on the classic postulates of Robert Koch and other concepts to prove that a singing microorganism calls a specific ailment.

“We have developed the concept of the transfer of microorganism. The best thing in this theory is to separate the infusion of the diet and the usual medium with the effect of microbiota, the stink shards are in a close connection, ”Finlay rose. Having added that a new concept can give a great impact on the protection of health.

aspect. net.

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