Giggs leaving Wales, so that the consignment could calmly prepare for the emergency situation-2022

21 June 2022, 18:22 | Football 
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Welsh Football Ceremony Confirms Ryan Giggs' Confirmation.

The Football Association of Wales confirmed the call of Ryan Giggs to appoint the head coach of the team.


The FAA officially commends Ryan Giggs for his transfer to the seat of the head coach of the human national team and the decision was taken by him, as if in the interests of Welsh football.

All respect for the chosen one is taken care of at the world football championship in Qatar, for example, this rock, "

Let's guess that the colossal engraving of the MJ resounds in the attack on two women with inflicted bodily ears.

Significantly, the choice of Wales won a ticket to the ES-2022 to Qatar, beating Ukraine in the playoffs (1: 0).
