Irina Fedyshyn witnessed an astronomical phenomenon in the sky over Spain

21 June 2022, 11:08 | gossip 
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When Irina Fedyshyn went to Spain, she was lucky enough to witness an anomalous phenomenon that Spaniards and guests of the country could observe in the sky.

On the Instagram page, the performer posted a video in which she showed an unknown flying object.. What Fedyshyn saw was like a meteor shower:.

" I was shocked by what I saw! If I had seen this in Ukraine, I would have already run for cover, thinking that these were some kind of phosphorus bombs.. When I looked at the sky, I had such thoughts in my head: maybe these are some kind of bombs? But stop. what bombs, this is Spain. Managed to grab the phone and take it off. It was very impressive! What do you think it is? Maybe it's a meteor shower? " In turn, the fans expressed their assumptions about what it could be. Some options were even very funny: " Launches another hundreds of satellites"

Источник: ТСН.ua