Trinity: celebration traditions

11 June 2022, 10:44 | Ukraine 
фото с Зеркало недели

On June 12, Christians of the Eastern Rite celebrate the feast dedicated to the Holy Trinity.. It does not have a clearly established date, the holiday is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter. Therefore, this day is also called Pentecost..

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What to do on Trinity.

It is customary to go to church on this day.. Herbs and bouquets of wild flowers are blessed in the temple, which are then placed near the icons.

Trinity is also called the Green Holiday, because on this day it is customary to decorate the house with birch branches and bouquets of flowers.. It is believed that this protects the house from evil spirits..

It is believed that this day you need to walk barefoot on the grass.

Herbs were also harvested on the Trinity, it was believed that their healing power was enhanced on the holiday..

On Trinity it is customary to bake a loaf or a sweet pie.

It was customary to get married on a holiday. It is believed that if the groom comes to woo on Trinity, and the wedding takes place on Intercession (October 14), then the newlyweds will be happy in marriage.

There is no need to fast on Trinity, and a gala dinner should be held with family.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity.

Holy Trinity, pray for us;

Lord, cleanse our sins;

Lord, forgive our iniquities;

Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.

Источник: Зеркало недели