It was UPE became NMT: when will testing for graduates take place in Ukraine

09 June 2022, 13:27 | Ukraine 
фото с Зеркало недели

Due to the Russian invasion in Ukraine, external independent evaluation (EIA) was canceled. This year, it is planned to conduct a national multi-subject test (NMT), which will be held in special centers, the Ministry of Education and Science reports..

NMT schedule in 2022.

Multisubject testing will be held in three sessions:.

from July 18 to August 10 - the main;

from 16 to 18 August - additional;

from 12 to 16 September - special.

For those who will not be able to take part in the main session of the NMT, they will be able to take the multi-subject test during the additional and special session.

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Where will the multi-subject testing take place?.

To pass the NMP, graduates must come to specialized temporary examination centers (VEC). These centers have been created in different settlements of Ukraine on the basis of educational institutions and agreed with state authorities.

Also, Ukrainian graduates will be able to make NMT in some European countries, the corresponding list was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Remote delivery of multi-subject testing is not provided. The test can only be taken at Temporary Examination Centers (TECs), i.e. at educational institutions where separate classes/audiences will be suitably equipped.

For graduates living in the temporarily occupied territories, an additional session of the NMT is provided (in July-August) and a special session (in September). You can read more about NMT here..

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What is the difference between a multi-subject test and a UPE.

According to the order of UTSOKO dated 11. 05. 2022 No. 33, NMT will have three blocks:.

Ukrainian language;


History of Ukraine.

The test consists of 60 tasks, for which 120 minutes are provided.

Recall that the Ministry of Health explained how this year admission to medical universities will take place. In particular, graduates of previous years will be able to benefit from the results of ZNO.

Источник: Зеркало недели