The doctor called poorly recognizable signs of a diseased thyroid gland

05 June 2022, 04:15 | Health 
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The doctor named the poorly recognizable signs of a diseased thyroid gland.

The main purpose of the thyroid gland is the production of hormones that determine the metabolic rate, and are also involved in the development of all body tissues..

“Thyroid diseases can be associated with both a lack of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism) and excessive activity of the gland (hyperthyroidism),” the expert said..

Lebedev noted in an interview that thyroid diseases can develop quite slowly, in which case the symptoms of the pathology can be “blurred”, seem like a manifestation of ordinary routine fatigue or lack of sleep.

The doctor called poorly recognizable signs of a diseased gland.

In hypothyroidism Sensitivity to cold, chilliness, tremor.

cold extremities.


Weight gain.

Tendency to constipation.

Sluggishness, lethargy.

With hyperthyroidism Excessive sweating.

Heat intolerance, complaints of overheating, fever.

Frequent diarrhea.

Weight loss (even despite a normal appetite).

Excessive emotionality, irritability.

“With hypothyroidism, the voice often coarsens, swelling of pain occurs in the heart and muscles, hair falls out.. With hyperthyroidism, the heartbeat accelerates, fingers and eyelids tremble, ”summed up doctor Lebedev.

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