Tampons for HIV prevention

23 May 2022, 03:32 | Health 
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University of Washington staff says women will soon have a convenient and reliable way to prevent HIV/AIDS.

They developed a soluble fiber tampon impregnated with an antiretroviral drug that is inserted into the vagina a few minutes before sexual intercourse and releases the drug..

Today, more than 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV, and about 50,000 new cases are reported in the United States each year..

HIV infection is usually transmitted sexually, so in recent years, scientists have not stopped looking for new ways to protect themselves..

Currently, people who are at high risk of contracting HIV receive daily antiviral pills as part of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

But there are significant advances in the development of local HIV prevention products, mainly based on microbiocides - gels and films containing anti-HIV drugs that can be inserted into the vagina right before sexual contact..

The research team, led by Cameron Ball and Kim Woodrow, notes that these products have not been shown to be highly effective in clinical trials.. The main reason is the inconvenient method of application..

Scientists say that for effective prevention, gels must be administered in large quantities, and they can leak out.. Films that protect against HIV require a wait of at least 15 minutes after application, otherwise they do not have time to dissolve.

But the team believes that their new tool will be a much more convenient alternative..

In 2012, the online publication PLOS One first reported that fibers created by electrospinning - the process of "

In their latest study, which was recently published in Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, the UW team found that these fibers can hold an antiretroviral drug concentration that is 10 times the capability of other current microbiocides..

To create these fibers, scientists dissolved a polymer and mixed it with the drug maraviroc, which is now used to treat HIV infection.. This mixture looked like a thick syrup.. Then the "

Since maraviroc and other antiretroviral drugs are slowly absorbed into the body, the researchers wanted to speed up this process..

They say microscopic fibers have a very large surface area.. The medicinal substance made up almost 30% of the mass of the fibers. When they dissolved on the mucosa, a sufficient amount of maraviroc was released. For comparison, in new microbiocides, the medicinal substance accounts for only 3% of the mass.

Scientists have modified the ingredients in the fibers so that they can dissolve within 6 minutes, regardless of the concentration of the drug.. Upon contact with the moist environment of the vagina, the fibers quickly hydrate and form a drug-rich gel..

In their opinion, these fibers will be an excellent tool for quick and convenient prevention of HIV infection in women..

The scientists say the fibers can be used as a vaginal tampon as well as a vaginal ring (similar to those used for contraception).

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