Why doctors do not recommend planting peanuts in the great population

22 May 2022, 00:13 | Health 
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Why is it not safe to attack with peanuts.

Peanuts, in spite of all their power, in a great number of people can seriously damage their health. Doctors have revealed how the superhuman love of a person can turn into peanuts, Ukr informs. media.

Allergy. For some reason, if you exceed the additional rate of sedation of peanuts, a person may have a serious allergic reaction. Issuing the risk of death. Before the main symptoms of allergy to peanuts, one can see the undead, sagging skins and hanging, damage to the grass system, buttocks and inability to feel in the throat, as the Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old Pannochka. net Improving the body's ability to conquer minerals. Because of the reasons for wines, it does not allow minerals to be conquered by the regular order, as they enter the body, as they are important for the normal functioning of the whole organism.

Fungal infection Peanut infection can lead to infection with aflatoxins. This toxin is fermented by mushrooms, which grow in the lands, degenerate peanuts. Vin easily penetrates into the product through soft peanut pods. How to consume aflatoxins in the body, people are at risk of liver cancer. The main problem lies in the fact that the toxin cannot be found in the lubrication process. Z ієї reasons it is important to bathe the yakіsny product.

Ozhirinnya Bagato who loves peanuts for those. Yogo is often used as a snack. But it’s important to understand that peanuts help to get rid of the situation for a long time, and to those who avenge the great amount of calories in themselves. Relationship with which toxic product can lead to the appearance of a congestion and obesity.

Damage to the balance of fatty acids Peanuts rich in omega-6 fatty acids, as they take part in the production of energy. However, you can only show all your dominance in the presence of omega-3. Therefore, to get rich peanuts, omega-6 will accumulate in the body, which will lead to stronger ignition processes and heart problems.

aspect. net.

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