Alexander-Arnold: Liverpool do not win football in the first half

04 May 2022, 11:30 | Football 
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The defender of the English club commented on the departure to the final of the League of Champions.

In the match-winning the final of the UEFA Champions League against the Spanish Villarreal, the English Liverpool won the victory (3:2), which is why they win in the trophy battle.

Villarreal — Liverpool 2:3 Video goal and match review Trent Alexander-Arnold defender of the match.

" Vazka gra, duzhe vazka. We came here with the same thoughts, but the super players played even better in the first half. At the interruption, we were fooled, and then we thrashed those that needed to be thrashed from the very cob.

We got it on the side of the superniks, but you can't control the game the way you want to. Vilyarreal far away to score a swedish ball, which was in their cob plans. Ale, let us sweat away to heal the situation to the vlasnu melancholy.

We didn’t play football in the first half, we didn’t deprive ourselves of picking up the ball. The super players were playing that game for an hour, the yak wanted to play, and we allowed them to kill. Zreshtoyu, we took one filthy half in two matches. May we know for that, abi potim vikonati work on pardons.

Utіm, good, we ran into our task at the second - now we can marvel at tomorrow's thunder, knowing what will definitely be in the finals. Be it our capable superman, he deserves to win the victory duel, "

Superman for the upcoming final of the UEFA Champions League for Liverpool will be the winner of the bet Real — Manchester City.
