In the Chernihiv region, the military of the Russian Federation destroyed 680 kilometers of state roads and 22 bridges

02 May 2022, 23:24 | Ukraine 
фото с Зеркало недели

As a result of hostilities in the territory of the Chernihiv region, Russian invaders destroyed 680 kilometers of state roads and 22 bridges. This was announced by the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Oleksandr Kubrakov on Facebook..

Restoration work is underway in the area, he said.. In particular, traffic was opened at two more temporary crossings.


One crossing was built this weekend on the route connecting Chernihiv and Mena, on the H-27 road. "

Another temporary crossing was created on the R-69 Kyiv-Chernihiv highway. She became the second on the route connecting the Chernihiv region with the Kyiv.

“The embankment of a temporary bypass road was built. Pipes and a coating layer of crushed stone-sand mixture were arranged to pass water, ”detailed Alexander Kubrakov.

He noted that in total in Chernihiv region, traffic has already been resumed on 8 bridges and overpasses..

Earlier it became known that the Russian occupiers shelled Chernihiv with propaganda shells from the Second Chechen War..

Источник: Зеркало недели