Russia kicked out of European football: UEFA extended the "

02 May 2022, 22:37 | Sports 
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Even in the early days of the full-scale invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine, UEFA and FIFA suspended the clubs and teams of the Russian Federation from participating in tournaments under their auspices. Now UEFA has banned the Russians from participating in competitions in the next season 2022/23.

This decision was made at today's meeting of the UEFA Executive Committee.

Disqualification of the Russians applies to both men's and women's tournaments.

Russian clubs will not be in the Champions League, Europa League and Conference League-2022/23. Russia will receive 4.333 points in the odds table for men's teams and 1.750 for women's (the worst result for Russian clubs in the last 5 seasons - approx..

The Russian national team will not participate in the League of Nations-2022/23. The team of the aggressor country will automatically take the last line in group 2 of division B. The Russians will be relegated from 16th place among all teams in League B.

Russian women's team will not play at Euro 2022. Instead, Portugal will go to the tournament, which the Russians won in the playoffs. Also, the women's team of the Russian Federation was disqualified from the selection for the 2023 World Cup.

The results of the Russian youth team (U-21) in the group for the selection of the youth Euro-2023 were canceled, the group was reduced to 5 participants.

The suspension also applies to futsal tournaments under the auspices of UEFA.. The Russian women's team will not play in the Futsal Final Four - Hungary will take its place in the quartet with Ukraine, Portugal and Spain. Also, Russian clubs are excluded from the Futsal Champions League in the 2022/23 season..

At the same time, we note that Russia has not yet been expelled from UEFA and FIFA. The decision that UEFA made on May 2 also does not provide for the deprivation of the aggressor country of membership in the European football organization..

Earlier, TSN Prosport reported that the UAF Executive Committee approved the decision to end the UPL-2021/22 season ahead of schedule.

Источник: ТСН.ua