Harmful and dangerous foods to avoid

02 May 2022, 15:32 | Health 
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Harmful products It is they who “give” us extra pounds and take away precious years of life, bring with them obesity, lethargy and poor health.

Chips and fried potatoes hit the top spot thanks to the sheer amount of boiling oil in which they are fried.. Today, even a child knows that potato slices fried in oil with a crispy crust are saturated with carcinogens that are very harmful to our health..

Coca-Cola, Pepsi, lemonade and other sweet carbonated drinks are carriers of the most harmful substances.. Regularly consumed soda will absolutely bring obesity and metabolic disorders, and in severe cases - diabetes. The same “joys” are brought by the uncontrolled use of store-bought juices, which contain anything but natural fruit juices.. In addition, sugary drinks will create problems with your stomach and tooth enamel..

Sausages and other varieties of boiled sausages do not consist of meat at all, as many people think, but mainly of soy, a large amount of fat, as well as all kinds of synthetic dyes, thickeners, flavors, flavor enhancers, and so on, so on, so on... Fast food, then. These dishes are quite tasty, satisfying and inexpensive, even the most needy person can afford them.. At the same time, fast food contains a huge amount of transgenic fats, chemical substitutes and carcinogens, meat stuffing is often made from stale and low-quality meat..

Mayonnaise is an indispensable ingredient in most salads.. Today, this product is produced (like many others) not in accordance with GOST, but according to TU (technical specifications), which each manufacturer determines for his products himself.. Thus, mayonnaise, in addition to the obligatory transgenic (very harmful) fats, may contain any components. If you love mayonnaise so much, try making it yourself at home.. It's not difficult, but tasty and not as harmful as store-bought mayonnaise..

Margarine is made up almost entirely of trans fats, and it also contains synthetic dyes and other ingredients that you don't even want to know about.. You can eat margarine, perhaps, only if you are indifferent to your own health..

Smoked products " If your health and well-being are dear to you, give up smoked sausage, lard, fish and other “goodies”.

White bread, surprisingly, also took its place in the list of harmful products.. Butter bread baked from premium wheat can cause obesity, diabetes and numerous problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Confectionery is also quite harmful, especially if consumed in excessive quantities.. Train yourself to substitute apples, oranges, and dried fruits for sweets, sweets, and cakes.. The mass of transgenic and saturated fats found in cakes and cookies does not contribute to either health or harmony at all..

Semi-finished products, which today are presented in abundance in our supermarkets, are convenient and quick to prepare, but at the same time they are filled with various preservatives, enhancers, substitutes and other “improvers” that are unhealthy. Therefore, try to include ready-made cutlets, dumplings, pancakes in your menu as rarely as possible..

Dangerous products This list was identified by American scientists. According to their research, it is these products that most often led to poisoning over the past two decades.. Sausages and sausages - they contain hidden fats, soy, starch, skin, lard and additives with the prefix " Excessive consumption of sausages increases cholesterol and leads to food poisoning.

Potato is a product in which pathogenic microbes and bacteria accumulate, for example, E. coli, salmonella, dysentery pathogens, etc..

Black olives are most often green olives, which are useful in themselves, but to acquire black color they are tinted with ferrous gluconate.. And this is very harmful to the human body, because it leads to an excess of iron..

Ice cream. In order for this delicacy to be called safe, it is necessary to carefully observe the strict conditions of storage and transportation, which are not adhered to by all manufacturers and traders.. Staphylococcus, salmonella and other pathogenic bacteria freely multiply in poorly washed ice cream containers..

Cheese, a highly beneficial food in itself, can be dangerous, especially for pregnant women.. Camembert, brie and feta are often made at home from unpasteurized raw materials, which means they can contain a bacterium that leads to the development of a disease called listeriosis.. This disease often causes miscarriages..

Eggs are known to be breeding grounds for salmonella.. The most dangerous dishes are those prepared from thermally unprocessed eggs: soft-boiled eggs, eggnog.

Tomatoes may contain bacteria that are dangerous to human health. Damaged fruits are most dangerous, since it is through cracks and dents that bacteria get inside.. It is best to stew or fry tomatoes - this is how useful substances are formed in them, by the way..

Crab sticks do not consist of crab meat at all, but of a small part of minced fish, plus starch, water, stabilizers, thickeners, preservatives, etc.. All this easily deteriorates and fails, it is very easy to get poisoned with crab sticks..

Greens - very healthy, but only grown in clean, bacteria-free soil. Viruses and bacteria, as well as other harmful substances, easily penetrate from the soil into the greens, so “untested” greens often cause food poisoning..

Summer is coming, and in the heat the number of poisonings increases sharply. Take care of your health, treat the choice of products with all care!

lady. siteua. org.

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