Poland will “close the sky” of Slovakia if it gives its planes to Ukraine

30 April 2022, 00:22 | Policy 
фото с Зеркало недели

The Polish Air Force announced its readiness to close the skies over Slovakia because Slovakia will give its fighters to Ukraine. We are talking about the MiG-29 aircraft, which are so necessary for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.. This decision was announced by the defense ministers of Poland and Slovakia at a joint press conference on April 29, Voice of America reports..

Earlier, Slovakia has already said that it is ready to take such a step if the allies take over the protection of its skies..

“I received confirmation that Poland is ready to take care of the airspace of Slovakia after the MiGs are removed (from combat duty - ed.. ),” said Slovak Defense Minister Jaroslav Nagy..

Now, to complete the procedure, it is necessary that the decision is adopted by Parliament - the issue is under consideration.

Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak said that the Polish military has good experience in such security operations in the Baltic countries..

“These tasks will be carried out from the territory of Poland. We will expand the scale of the operation by units that are equipped with F-16 aircraft,” said Minister Blaszczak.

NATO experts believe that it will be more convenient and faster for military pilots of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to transfer to combat aircraft of the former USSR than to master the equipment of the Alliance countries.

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Recall that the President of Slovakia, Zuzana Chaputova, at a meeting with the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, announced her support for the further transfer of weapons by Slovakia to Ukraine.

Источник: Зеркало недели