Verification of payments received by Ukrainians who registered as internally displaced persons will begin in Ukraine from May -

26 April 2022, 19:24 | Economy 
фото с Зеркало недели

Until the end of April, the state plans to streamline the registration of internally displaced persons (IDPs), and from May it will begin verification of payments that were made as assistance to Ukrainians who registered as internally displaced persons. This was stated in a blitz interview by ZN. UA Minister of Social Policy Marina Lazebna.

" For this, by the way, we increased the opportunities for informing,” she said..

However, according to Lazebnaya, in May the state will already have all the necessary information in order to make such payments with the necessary data verification..

" Since it is from May that other programs will start to turn on. In particular, the employment of migrants, the provision of temporary and permanent housing for those who have lost their homes in the same Bucha and do not want to return home. All programs that are currently being discussed in the government will be linked to the data bank that we are filling. And it is right. So that the state understands the scale of the problem and the amount of assistance needed,"

She clarified what circumstances will be taken into account by the state when verifying migrants.

" These people will definitely remain in the program of state assistance for living.. In May, we will have information, including on destroyed housing - now active registration of citizens who have lost their homes continues in " Then we will connect these registries and reach fair support only for those who really need it,"

According to her, today the state has moved away from the shock of the first weeks of the Russian aggression in Ukraine, and is reaching “normal registration rates, so that people do not stand in lines for weeks, and workers in the central control centers do not prance around the clock”.

" Only those who for various reasons (no smartphone, passport, etc.). ) cannot register in "

" But when May comes, we will continue registration without emergency mode and begin verification of payments. Not all of them will. It is logical that those who return home will not be able to claim assistance from the state, the purpose of which is to provide a person with a roof over his head while she is not at home,"

According to her, today the state is already monitoring the " And, if necessary, will offer other support programs.

" For example, for IDP families with children or other most vulnerable groups, and not for a conditional able-bodied citizen who does not want to register with an employment center, to seek work. The Cabinet of Ministers, of course, comprehensively takes into account the issues of displacement: both in terms of helping people, their employment, and in terms of launching the economy, logistics and helping communities, which turned out to be much more people than usual. Most of the ministries are working on these programs,"

Also, according to the minister, there is a category of internally displaced persons who do not apply for help..

" Why do they register? Because the communities or the hosts who gave them shelter can be compensated for utility bills. This is another government program. That is, everything else should come from the main thing - from the IDP registry,"

From May, according to her, living assistance will remain only for two categories.. The first is people who have moved from territories that the Ministry of Reintegration, together with the Ministry of Defense and the Regional State Administration, will determine as territories where hostilities continue or the risk of hostilities is high.. This list will be regularly reviewed depending on the actual situation..

The second category is people whose homes have been destroyed.. They will continue to receive living allowance even if they return to their locality. For everyone else, IDP registration may remain, but subsistence payments may not.

Lazebna also added that the state essentially started registering internally displaced persons from mid-March..

Recall that by February 24, 1 million 400 thousand Ukrainians were registered as IDPs.. However, immediately after the start of a large-scale invasion, registration of new wave settlers began..

The Ministry of Social Policy is already ready to give more or less accurate data on the number of people recognized by the state as internally displaced persons after February 24. To date, more than two million people have been confirmed..

Also, 4 million 200 thousand Ukrainians went abroad during the war.. The state will continue to pay them social benefits. However, they do not have the right to help as internally displaced persons. Of this category of citizens, only persons returning to Ukraine, but not returning to their permanent place of residence, receive assistance from the state. Being in another state, they are registered there. In the vast majority of countries, they can receive support from their host states.. Including housing, health insurance, assistance and the right to work.

Источник: Зеркало недели