The Russian channel was banned from broadcasting the final of the French Cup: a tantrum was thrown in the aggressor country

19 April 2022, 21:45 | Sports 
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The final match of the French Cup between Nice and Nantes will not be shown in Russia. The copyright holder banned the showing of the duel on the territory of the aggressor country that unleashed a war against Ukraine.

The “sad” news was shared by Vasily Konov, Deputy General Producer of the Match TV propaganda sports channel, in his Telegram channel.


A message was received from France about the French Cup and the suspension of rights, that is, the final, which was scheduled for May 7, you will not see on Match TV,"

Previously, contracts for broadcasting matches in Russia were broken by the English Premier League (EPL) and the French Ligue 1.

Recall that Russian TV channels and services have repeatedly replaced footage from broadcasts of European matches, where players and fans condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Also recently, the broadcast of the Bundesliga match was interrupted in Russia for the third time, as frames with banners in support of Ukraine and against the war got on the air..

Источник: ТСН.ua