“He said that we have only one player of the level of the national team”: the captain of “Dynamo” answered Markevich to criticis

19 April 2022, 17:17 | Sports 
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The captain of the "

The football player said this in a comment zbirna. com.

“I don’t know if all or not all, but, of course, I read something. And if Sergei Rebrov, in my opinion, spoke quite calmly, then I, sorry, did not like the words of Miron Markevich.

I immediately remembered how a few years ago he said that Dynamo had only one player of the level of the Ukrainian national team, and now he is shouting that the absence of our players will become a problem. There is no logic, but it is. "

The main thing is that we are going to the national team. We go with great desire. Close the conflict. As they say: " Who are we to fight with,"

Recall that the conflict was still settled and the players of Kiev "

Источник: ТСН.ua