Ukrainian journalist dies after Russian captivity

09 April 2022, 10:23 | Ukraine 
фото с Зеркало недели

The National Union of Writers of Ukraine announced the tragic death of one of its members, a Ukrainian journalist, writer, volunteer and member of the National Union of Journalists in its Telegram channel. 78-year-old man was in Russian captivity.

On March 18, Russian invaders illegally arrested Yevgeniy Bal and brutally tortured him for three days. The reason for the detention was compromising photos together with the Ukrainian military. The man was literally kidnapped from his house in the village of Melekino near Mariupol and turned everything upside down in his house in search of evidence. Yevgeny Bal was released a few days later..


However, the injuries sustained were incompatible with life.. April 2 Evgeny Balya died.

The union believes that the occupiers are purposefully persecuting Ukrainian journalists. The murder of 78-year-old Evgeny Bal is not the first case of the death of a journalist during the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. In Irpin, on March 13, the Russian military shot New York Times journalists, one of them died.

Источник: Зеркало недели