Mikhail Pogrebinsky, Medvedchuk's longtime colleague, has left Ukraine and is heading to Germany

07 April 2022, 01:40 | Policy 
фото с Зеркало недели

Mikhail Pogrebinsky, a long-term colleague and like-minded person of Viktor Medvedchuk, left Ukraine and is heading to Germany, presumably to Hamburg. About this ZN. UA said its own source.

Pogrebinsky, who was searched by the Security Service of Ukraine on March 26, and who was detained as part of ongoing activities, was found on April 4 in Budapest, where he checked into a hotel.

At the moment, on April 6, Pogrebinsky left the hotel and is heading to Budapest airport.

According to people who were close to Pogrebinsky and heard his conversation with his sister, Medvedchuk's ally is heading to Hamburg.

Recall, according to the information of the Anti-Corruption Action Center, distributed on April 5, the deputy head of the President's Office, Oleg Tatarov, allowed Viktor Medvedchuk, Andrey Portnov to escape. The CPC actually accuses Oleg Tatarov of also trying to unblock the accounts of Putin’s oligarch Deripaska’s company, the Nikolaev Alumina Refinery, frozen in Ukraine..

Recall that on March 26, several sources reported at once about the searches that were carried out by law enforcement officers in Pogrebinsky's Kiev apartment - on Yaroslavov Val.

Later, the Metropolitan Prosecutor's Office confirmed the information about the searches, but without details..

Источник: Зеркало недели