Fenerbahce moving in Ismayli

06 April 2022, 13:29 | Football 
ісмаїлі, фото шахтар донецьк

During the rest of the days, the Turkish women of ZMI spread information about those who defended the Donetsk Miner Ismaili to continue his career in the camp of Fenerbahce.

Tim is not smaller, the Turkish club was inspired by the idea of \u200b\u200bsigning a football player, support Fotospor.

On the right, in the fact that Ismaili's salary has become a " Let's face it, the Brazilian wanted to win a contract for two years, which Fenerbahce did not plan. The bosses of the Turkish grandee wanted to conclude a short-term treaty.

In the streaming season in Ismaili, 21 matches for Shakhtar, in which there were five assists.

Earlier it was mentioned that the other defender of the “girnikiv” could lean at Benfitsi.

По материалам: fotospor.com