War, day 40. Occupants launch a false campaign to seize the power of guilt

05 April 2022, 10:20 | Football 
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Forty first rose for heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian military invasion.

Vorog zdіysnyuє regrouping military and zoseredzhuє zusillya in preparation for an offensive operation at the gathering of our State. Meta - establishment of new control over the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. The enemy is trying to improve the position of military units in the Tavriysky and Pivdennobuzsky operational areas.

Three relocations from Polissya and Sivershchyna to new areas of operational recognition. Completed relocation of the Central Military District to the territory of Ukraine. Appointed to the warehouse of the military, after the completion of the renewal of the military, they will be moved to the area of \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bthe settlement of Valuyki and included to the warehouse of the offensive groupings of the troops.

Rukh columns are being built and military equipment across the territory of the Republic of Belarus at the direct railroad stations of Gomel, Elsk and Mozir for catching up on the railroad train. A significant part of the aircraft and helicopters of the air-space forces of the defense forces of the Russian Federation was relocated from the airfields of the Republic of Belarus to the territory of Russia.

With the help of the okremikh pіdrozdіlіv zі warehouse 6th and 20th zagalnovіysk armіy, 1st panzer army, baltіyskogo and pіvnіchnogo flotіv vorog zоredіvі main zusillya on pіdnovlennі і dnovlennі іnіtіnіnії dіy, аnd аlї sprobіy otochennya otochennya. The enemy is replenishing stocks of food, fire-oil materials and ammunition.

Russian occupiers continue to blockade Kharkiv, constant artillery shelling and further impoverish living quarters and the infrastructure of the city.

Directly on the Slovyansk enemy, it is possible to reinforce offensive actions. Directly on Barvinkove, I may have had some success, pushing myself 7 km, taking control of the population of the point of Brazhkivka. So, with forces up to the battalion tactical group of the 1st tank regiment, advancing directly on the population of the Suligivka point, there was no success.

In order to improve the traffic flow on a straight line and ensure safety, cross the river Siversky Donets to carry out work on the restoration of the bridge in the city of Izyum.

On the Donetsk and Luhansk direct lines, the depot of forces of the occupying forces of the main Zusill is seized of the capture and control of the areas in the settlements of Popasna and Rubizhne, the establishment of new control over Mariupol, as well as preparations for offensive operations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement of Zolota Niva.

In the areas of settlements in Borivsk, Novoluhansk, Solodka, Mar'їnka, Zolota Niva, the enemy carried out artillery shelling of the positions of military forces of Ukraine and civil infrastructure.

Near the settlements in Novotoshkivsk, Nizhny, Popasna, Kalinov, Stepne, Rubizhne, Troitsk, Novobakhmutivka, Novoselivka, another enemy, having carried out assaults, did not succeed. Russian zagarbniks started massive artillery and air strikes on the city of Mariupol.

On Pіdennobuzky directly, the occupation of the army is to carry out assault missions for artillery support with the method of taking control of the village of Oleksandrivka, may have a partial success. In the areas of settlements in Lyubin, Mirna, Kopan, the occupying forces fired on the positions of the ZS of Ukraine with artillery.

Russian troops fired on Mykolayev with cluster ammunition. Civilian quarters and medical mortgages were consumed under the fortune-telling fire, zokrema - the child of the liquor. Є bent and injured, zokrema and children.

Okupatsіynі vіyska continue to pay for. There may be great problems with the supply of combat infantry and infantry security. A special warehouse of the enemy of demoralization, which caused the number of desertions to increase and the number of military servicemen of the armed forces of the Russian Federation to take part in the war on the territory of Ukraine.

So, to your respect, the evening banquet of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky for the 4th April:.

Mi t_lki rozpochali investigation of what the occupiers amassed. For an hour only in one Bucha, more than 300 people were killed and rolled up. Imovirno, the number of victims will be significantly greater if you check all the places. І only one place.

It’s already clear that at Borodyants there are still more victims in some wild places.

We are already robimo everything, so that we can put the successors of those accountable to these evil Russian military. We zatsіkavlenі at the most complete investigation, the results of which will be in the home of all the light. We are stuck in the fact that thousands of journalists visited there.

Housed about the visit to Ukraine of the Chancellor of Austria.

Occupant zastosovuyet new old tactics of vindication. The stinks are trying to tell the facts. Ale stinks can not deceive the whole world. At the time of 2022, we have a lot more tools, lower ones, who have attracted Nazis after the Other World War to the point of being viable.

May we also note that those who, after the voice of the masses of civilians in the Kiev region, will be placed in a different way before their wickedness in the other territory of our state, wherever the stench went. The stench is already launching a false campaign to seize the power of guilt. They will create dozens of staged interviews, they will deliberately drive people in so that it looked like nothing at all, having driven in some others. The stench will try to hide and follow their mischief. The skin is normal people in the world of reason, who brought war and mass death to the Ukrainian land. Є impersonal proof that the Russians themselves want peaceful places. Steal, roll and drive in peaceful people. To that Russian propagandists can only go into it at once - to direct the virok of the future tribunal. Usіm skabєєvim, evening bellowers, front-line liars and їkhnіm kerіvniki near Moscow varto remember: the finale of your life will be beyond the gates. In a short fall.

It was not necessary to check such a thing, so that you could figure out sumniv? It was not necessary for hundreds of our people to perish, so that the leaders of the world realized that Russia merited the most hard squeeze? Only at once we can smell the sound of our leaders, as if they sounded a long time ago, if everything was already absolutely clear.

Having heard this year's speeches to the President of the Republic of Lithuania and the entire Lithuanian people, the call was made by Russian occupiers in Mariupol, the all-world famous documentary maker Mandas Kvederavichus. In 2016, roci vin made a film about our peaceful Mariupol. And now there itself was taken away yoga life.

We continue to prepare before the onset of the occupiers on Skhidnaya straight ahead. We know that stinks are getting robiti. Russia concentrates its military in these regions. І tse note about those who have been stagnant before Russia with sanctions. Will be more.

152 military service members of the ZSU were appointed by the sovereign cities. Of these, 3 - posthumously.

Seen at Zbroyna Forces of Ukraine! At once Mi is strength! Glory to Ukraine!

Источник: football.ua