Deputy head of presidential administration of Kazakhstan: "

01 April 2022, 19:20 | Peace 
фото с Зеркало недели

Kazakhstan respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine and will adhere to the UN decisions on Crimea and Donbass, Timur Suleimenov, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Kazakhstan, said in an interview with Euractiv. According to him, there are no problems in the state to call war, war.

" Russia decided to introduce a law banning the word " They call it a special military operation. But in Kazakhstan, we call it the way it is, unfortunately,” Suleymanov said..

At the same time, the UN General Assembly voted for two resolutions calling for an end to the war.. Kazakhstan abstained during both votes. When asked by a journalist whether this is due to the state’s membership with its treaty obligations to the Russian Federation, Suleimanov said: “Indeed, Kazakhstan is a member of both the Eurasian Economic Union and the CSTO, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, therefore we are members of both the economic and military unions of Russia. But the provisions of the treaties do not apply to this particular case.”.

“Of course Russia wanted us to be more on their side.. But Kazakhstan respects the territorial integrity of Ukraine. We have not recognized and do not recognize either the situation with Crimea or the situation with Donbass, because the UN does not recognize them. We will respect only the decisions taken at the level of the United Nations,” said the Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of Kazakhstan.

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Earlier, Deputy Foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Roman Vasilenko said that the state is ready to become an intermediary in order to contribute to the diplomatic resolution of the "

Источник: Зеркало недели