The nutritionist called products that will relieve night appetite

28 March 2022, 14:33 | Health 
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The nutritionist called products that will relieve night appetite The brain knows that the stomach should rest at night, but if you want to get into the refrigerator before going to bed, the nutritionist told how to prevent this.

Obviously, we know it's best for us to stop eating about three hours before bed.. We are often told about the importance of overnight fasting and the dangers of eating late.. Everything in our brain is correct and well filed, but how to logically explain the sudden desire to eat something delicious at 23:30?

“Eating at night is usually associated with breaking the agenda. Skipping breakfast and sometimes lunch, eating poorly during the day, feeling hungry, cumulative fatigue and stress all affect the desire to eat at night, says Meital Levy, a clinical nutritionist with the National Health Service..

“To avoid nighttime eating, it’s important to eat enough food throughout the day: make sure you have 3 nutritious meals in the morning, noon and evening that will contain complex carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats, combined with vegetables that will provide the body with.

Levy recommends trying to increase the amount of food during the day so as not to eat at night.. “For those who still need dinner and feeling empty can interfere with good sleep, it is possible and recommended to treat yourself to a light dinner, up to an hour before bedtime”, however, be that as it may, avoid eating at night.

Those who suffer from hernia or reflux are advised not to eat before bed at all.. The last meal in this case should be two hours before bedtime and it is not recommended that it contains dairy products or fats..

What foods will help get rid of night hunger?

nuts. Easily digestible. Rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, protein and good fats that create a feeling of fullness.

Banana. Banana is rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that improves mood and sleep quality, and potassium, which can prevent muscle soreness at night.. Unlike simple sugars, eating a banana before bed will not lead to a significant increase in sugar levels.. It can be combined with nuts and thus the sugar level will drop.

Bitter chocolate with nuts. Those who still need sweets before bed can add dark chocolate, which is rich in antioxidants, to nuts..

Yogurt and blueberries with almonds. A balanced diet that combines protein, complex carbohydrates (berries are low in carbohydrates compared to other fruits), and healthy fats. Such food will maintain a balanced level of sugar and create a pleasant feeling of satiety..

Whole grain bread slice with natural peanut butter. Rich in protein and healthy fat, peanut butter, combined with a slice of wholemeal bread, contributes to a pleasant feeling of satiety over time..

Whole grain crackers with tahini or yellow cheese. Combining complex carbohydrates with protein or nutritious fat.

Popcorn. It is recommended to cook at home, with a little oil and a little salt.. It is the best alternative to snacking as it is a complex carb and low fat snack..

Vegetable soup. Easily digestible food rich in vitamins and minerals. You can also combine some easily digestible legumes like lentils or peas..

Oatmeal. You can make oatmeal with milk (or soy milk) and add cinnamon and nuts. Food rich in dietary fiber, protein and healthy fats.

And what is impossible?

It is recommended to avoid foods rich in sugar or caffeine. We should avoid high-fat or spicy foods because they overload the digestive system at night..

This does not apply to those people who work at night.. In case of night awakenings, the diet should be adjusted taking into account the hours of sleep and on the recommendation of a dietitian..

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