Yoga: benefits for body and soul

17 March 2022, 01:05 | Health 
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Yoga: Benefits for the Soul and Body " The better the practice, the brighter the flame" Iyengar Yoga is an ancient spiritual practice originating from India.. It has become so popular all over the world that every person knows at least something about yoga..

Yoga Benefits the Body, Calms the Soul, and Clears the Mind. That is why this practice has gained popularity so quickly..

Benefits of yoga Regular yoga practice quickly bears fruit.

Muscles become elastic, skin becomes elastic, and the body acquires an attractive relief.

The cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood pressure returns to normal.

You stop being nervous over trifles, and the world becomes clearer and brighter for you.

Quite often, yoga "

Improves the condition of the spine.

Strengthens immunity.

Where to start If you decide to start practicing yoga, then you should decide on the following points:.

tune in. Yoga is a practice, you need to do it in a good mood. Be on a positive wave. And the most important thing is to want to practice yoga regularly..

Find your coach (you can even say " The trainer will not only help you choose the exercises (asanas) you need, but also approach the training in such a way that you want to do yoga all the time. A lot depends on the coach, even your further attitude to practice. In Russia, there are many fitness centers and centers where yoga classes are held.. Do not be too lazy to read reviews on the Internet about certain centers, ask friends or just like trial classes. It is better to spend time at the very beginning of your path of comprehending yoga in order to find the right trainer later and be satisfied with your choice..

Schedule a time. There is a time for everything, including yoga.. Plan your weeks so that you have enough time for yoga. Skipping classes or exercising once a month is not a good idea..

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