Vaccinate during the war or wait - why vaccinate children and adults now

16 March 2022, 02:10 | Health 
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Vaccinate during the war or wait - why should children and adults be vaccinated now Vaccination during hostilities is especially important: it is now difficult to maintain hygiene, prevent SARS, covid and other infections for both children and adults Due to the attack of Russian troops on Ukraine, all. In conditions when it is more difficult to protect yourself from hepatitis, covid, flu, and other infections, it is important not to neglect vaccinations: how to get a vaccine for free now, the Public Health Center of the Ministry of Health told.

How they are vaccinated now in Ukraine and whom Scheduled vaccinations (routine or mandatory) are now available in Ukraine free of charge, you can do it at any state medical institution that you have the opportunity to get to. Also, COVID-19 has not gone away, they also vaccinate against it for free.

Therefore, if someone else has not been vaccinated at all or it's time to get a booster dose (you already have 2 doses), then also contact any public health institution. Also, in addition to routine vaccinations, vaccinations against respiratory diseases are also relevant, because now is the SARS season..

Especially if you live in a community of migrants and are surrounded by a large number of people. In such conditions, it is more difficult for children and adults to maintain clean hands and proper hygiene, to lead a healthy lifestyle.. Additional vaccines can be purchased at your own expense in the pharmacy network, and you can get them at any state medical institution for free.

What vaccines can children and adults get for free Adults can now get a free tetanus + diphtheria vaccine. Revaccination should be done every 10 years: ask your family doctor when you were last vaccinated and revaccinate if necessary. Calendar vaccinations for children:.

hepatitis B tuberculosis (BCG) poliomyelitis diphtheria whooping cough tetanus haemophilus influenzae measles rubella mumps Usually parents with children are invited for vaccination by a family doctor, but ask yourself, if possible, whether it is time for vaccination.

What are the additional recommended vaccinations for children Taking into account the epidemic season and the war, the following vaccinations are recommended for children (they are not calendar):.

chicken pox (if not sick) rotavirus infection meningococcal infection pneumococcal infection СOVID-19, can be done to children from 12 years old.

flu, can be done to children from 6 months.

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