Shevchenko: Sweeping away at once for Ukraine is a significant waste of freedom and our right to life

14 March 2022, 14:14 | Football 
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Ex-Kermanich of the Ukrainian National Choice of Ukraine rose to the establishment of Italians before the war in Ukraine.

A prominent Ukrainian ex-football player and the head coach of the national team of Ukraine in the past, Andriy Shevchenko, continues to work all kinds of things for himself, aby to win his important status in the world to help our country, as you know the black turn of aggression.

" Tse attack, villains against peaceful meshkants. Nobody believes that it is possible right up to the moment until it was gone.

Once I want to respect - do not tell me " Kiev - this is how the place is spelled and how it is done correctly. "

Chi I say Russian? Pevna rich, what is it. I have been taught at school. You can freely communicate with Russian in Ukraine, there are no problems. We do not act without thought against all the people of the sudnyo krajina - we are only against the quiet, who supports the war against us. Є difference between the people and the regime, we are kindly wise. Okrim tsgogo, I know the wealthy of the suddnіy krainі, who is against aggression in our bіk.

My relatives at once in Ukraine. Trim. I call them a few times a day. Mom and sister linger at twenty khvilins in the center of Kiev. At the same time, other relatives moved before them, and until that time they spent the days at the basement. The stench lingered instructed from the airport, the protei district was ruined.

The motherland did not leave Ukraine, for it is the Batkivshchyna, here is the land, it is the home. Why stink little tse polishati?

I thought a lot about those who want to go to Ukraine. Alece is impossible. Mayzhe immediately closed all the roads, because we were bombed in front of airports. That's why I won to defend my country as much as I can. In addition to helping those who suffered, those refugees.

Italy has created an exclusive atmosphere for Ukrainian refugees. Through GoFundMe, we collected 343,764 euros for the Red Cross. The stench went on to heal injuries, faces, foodstuffs. Also, the coins were selected by the Milan Foundation, which put on sale a copy of the T-shirts that we wore in Manchester, if we won the Champions League in 2003.

I was telephoned by my friend Giorgio Armani, who especially mobilized this campaign. I am using the measure of Florence and the measure of Milan. I am sure that I will be able to voice about our joint special initiative.

Milan and Italy - my friend fatherland. Milan is a particularly generous place. I am convinced that I can accept rich Ukrainians, as they fight in the war. May all of them be children, women and people of a frail age, so that people of age 18 to 60 cannot leave the country. Stink can be like soldiers, who went through the Viysk vikkil, so unite in the infamous national resistance.

I feel like in Italy it seems like it would be easier for Ukraine to just fold up. For us, laying down our savings all at once means wasting our freedom and our right to life. We want to become closer to Europe. In this situation, we speak only as a side that is being protected.

Chi is necessary for us to fight against the countries of NATO? Yes, you need. Everything that is necessary for our zakhist is necessary for us to live. Democracies by all means have united with our supporters, it’s important. Sanctions against the aggressor are important. Search for a diplomatic solution - tezh.

I believe in God? Zvіsno. In the homeland all believers. My daughter is Orthodox, and the wife and children are Catholics. Prote God is one. I remember my hostility, if I had previously waded San P'etro at 12 rocks. Tse bula my persha is more expensive zakordon, 1989 рік. A long way from Kiev to Moscow, and then later - to Rome, Naples, Agropoli.

There mi mali play a football tournament. Rome is a marvelous place, majestic, prote sama in Agropolis, I made for myself the breadth and love of the Italian people. We were visiting sіm'ї, yak later gave me my first jeans in life.

At the tournament itself, we beat the host team at the finals, I scored five balls against that team. For the price they gave me a dekilka lire, for that I later bought a Gillette razor for my father and a perfume for my mother and sister,” a Ukrainian specialist said.

Let's guess that earlier Andriy Shevchenko, having called out to the international spirit to do everything necessary for the protection of Ukrainian children.
