Dynamo launched the implementation of programs for humanitarian assistance to librarians

08 March 2022, 04:57 | Football 
ФК Динамо

Kyiv Dynamo announced on its official website about the beginning of the implementation of the program for humanitarian assistance to medics.

" FC Dynamo creates a charitable financial aid to help injured people during the military season.

On top of that, the program transfers the financial support of children's houses,"

Earlier, the head coach of Dynamo Mircea Lucescu spoke about the situation in the team after the cob of war and gravel, as it was left on the club base.

Shanovni Spivvitchizniki! On February 24, 2022, Ukraine recognized the fate of the enemy from the side of the Russian Federation. We ask you to keep calm, stay safe, read all the official Ukrainian dzherel, don’t worry and don’t spread fakes. Glory to Ukraine!

По материалам: fcdynamo.kiev.ua