Great Velis Day: the history and traditions of the celebration

24 February 2022, 07:53 | Ukraine 
фото с Зеркало недели

February 24 is the Great Veles Day. The holiday has a long history and comes from pre-Christian times.. On this day, there was a celebration of the pagan god Veles, who was considered the patron of cattle, farmers, and the other world.. On this day, they later honored the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Blasius, who was the patron saint of domestic animals and forest animals..

history of the holiday.

In pre-Christian times, people honored the Slavic deity Veles the Winter (Veles Korovin). According to legend, on this day, all nature was in hibernation, and only Veles walked around the cities and villages and played the magic flute.

At this time, there was a confrontation between Marena-winter and Veles Korovin. Madder got angry and brought frost and “cow death” to the cattle, but nothing worked for her. Our ancestors believed that Veles had great strength and could protect from almost all troubles, so they asked him for health for livestock, well-being and good luck when traveling or hunting.

On this day, the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Blasius is also honored (Day of Vlas, Vlas, Ulas). He lived in the 4th century and was Bishop of Sebaste.

At a time when Christians were persecuted, Blasius lived on Mount Argeos. According to legend, he took care of animals - he treated them, gave shelter and food.. Vlasy also helped the poor. The saint is considered the patron saint of animals and domestic animals..

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Veles day traditions.

They prepared for the celebration in the evening and poured milk into jugs, and at home they spread skins and laid out cow horns.

The hostesses served porridge for the festive table, which was generously seasoned with vegetable oil.. No beef was eaten on this day.. On this day, there should be a strong honey drink on the table, which women drank, “so that the cattle are affectionate”.

In the holiday there was a cruel rite of scaring away the " In ancient times, women went out with loose hair in shirts.. They went to a pagan temple, and in their hands they carried sickles, horns and clubs. When women met a person or an animal on their way, they beat him, because they believed that they were carrying “cow death”. The women's procession was led by a "

What not to do on Veles day.

You should not sort things out, swear and conflict on a holiday.

You can’t embroider, wash, sew, knit on this day.

It is forbidden not to feed domestic animals and livestock on a holiday, because Veles is considered their protector.

You can not go far from home on this day to save the horses. The people believed that horses could ride horses on a holiday, so mittens, footcloths and a whip were tied to them..

Источник: Зеркало недели