Cause of pressure surges found

18 February 2022, 02:18 | Health 
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Found the cause of pressure surges Researchers have associated a short-term increase in blood pressure with a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe brain. The honor of this discovery belongs to scientists from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden..

Each of us from time to time faces stress in work and personal life, which in some cases provokes jumps in blood pressure.. A study by Swedish scientists showed that a small daily increase in blood pressure due to exposure to short-term stress is associated with an area of \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bthe brain that controls conscious and acquired motor skills.. This is a very important discovery because it increases the likelihood of medications affecting blood pressure, which in turn may help prevent hypertension, the largest single risk factor for stroke..

In about 50% of victims of hypertension or persistently high blood pressure, the cause of this pathology is unknown. There are many theories on this subject, and one says that hypertension is the result of a long period of constant pressure surges.. In other words, if your blood pressure regularly rises for a short period for several years, and then drops back to normal, then in the end it will remain elevated at some point in time.. This happens due to many tens or hundreds of unpleasant events for us that cause microstresses.. This is the sharp trill of a phone call, and loud car horns, and crowding in the subway during rush hours, and an unpleasant conversation with the boss.. Everything leads to pressure surges..

A scientist from Gothenburg has been studying the effect of microstress on nerve signals to muscles for 20 years.. And in more than half of the 150 men who took part in the latest observations, the pattern of response to microstress led to peaks in blood pressure.. The other half didn't.. For the first time, researchers have linked increased susceptibility to microstress to reflex signals in the brain.. This is a rolandic area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that activated the signal, controlling several conscious functions of the brain.. And this raises the question of whether it is possible to predict blood pressure peaks and eliminate them using various methods of influencing the brain..

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