Britain's Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Platinum Jubilee

07 February 2022, 07:42 | Art 
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Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her Platinum Jubilee today. She became the first British monarch to reign for 70 years..

According to the Air Force, the Queen spends this day with her family, receiving numerous congratulations..

The son of Elizabeth II and the future heir to the throne, Prince Charles of Wales congratulated the Queen on her anniversary, calling her reign for seven decades an outstanding achievement.


Prince Charles also commented on the order of Elizabeth II for his wife Camilla to receive the title of queen consort in the future..


The platinum jubilee came in the first year without the Duke of Edinburgh, with whom the Queen was married for 73 years.. He died last year.

In her address to the people, the Queen thanked everyone for their support.. She mentioned how much the unselfish support of Prince Philip gave her and thanked for the kindness of "

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Among those who congratulated the Queen were Boris Johnson, Theresa May and David Cameron - three of the 14 British prime ministers who have changed during her reign..

The culmination of the celebrations will take place at the beginning of the summer: in Britain, from June 2 to 5, a nationwide holiday is declared.

As part of the celebrations, concerts, parties and other events will take place in the country, and the royal palaces of Balmoral and Sandringham will be open to visitors on the last three days of the holidays..

The British Queen ascended the throne at the age of 25 on February 6, 1952..
