Eating Twice Turns on Dopamine Production

27 December 2021, 02:04 | Health 
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German researchers together with American colleagues found that during food consumption, the brain activates the production of dopamine twice, according to Cell Metabolism..

First when eating and a second time when digesting food. During the study, 12 volunteers were monitored by an MRI machine. Scientists from the USA and Germany managed to record the brain's reactions to the consumption and assimilation of food, according to Pannochka, an Internet publication for girls and women from 14 to 35 years old.. net Scientists managed to obtain data on the work of individual areas of the brain, which rewarded itself for food. The first production of dopamine occurred at the beginning of eating, and the second after about 15 minutes after that, that is, when the food began to be absorbed by the body. An interesting feature was discovered: the more dopamine was produced in the first stage, the less it appeared the second time..

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for transmitting signals through the central nervous system (from the brain), it also "

medvesti. com.

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