Vitaly Portnikov: Lukashenko talks about Crimea, but acts on the Polish border

11 November 2021, 09:51 | Policy 
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When, during a recent meeting of the Supreme Council of the Union State - it was held in virtual mode, Vladimir Putin was in occupied Sevastopol, and Alexander Lukashenko in pacified Minsk - the Belarusian ruler began to crumble in courtesies to Putin, upset that he was not invited to Crimea and reproached Ukraine,.

A step that Lukashenka was not ready to take since 2014 - he is generally very cautious about Russian "

However, after a few days it became clear why Lukashenka needed all these Crimean courtesies.. Indeed, during the meeting of the Supreme State Council of the Union State, the Belarusian leader probably already knew that a large-scale special operation was being prepared to destabilize the situation on the border with Poland.. I am sure that such a large number of migrants have not spontaneously formed on the territory of Belarus, for this it was necessary to make efforts at the state level. What actually happened - after all, it has already been established how Minsk “provides” the required number of migrants at the borders of the European Union.

And in this situation, Lukashenka calls Putin - for the first time after a meeting of the Supreme Council, signing an integration decree, agreeing on a common military doctrine and his Crimean courtesies. He calls, in fact, precisely in order to complain about Poland, in order to blame the neighboring country with inherent naive cynicism for the crisis, which, I am sure, he also organized, of harshness and aggressive intentions.. Calls to assure that he will not succumb to provocations - as he will declare this in another interview. Because these provocations, of course, are directed against Russia - against whom else

And Putin, the Kremlin, of course, supports him. We often talk about Lukashenka's growing dependence on Putin.. That after the suppression of mass protests against the falsification of the presidential elections in Belarus, Lukashenka simply did not have any opportunities for political maneuvering. Putin is no longer just his main political ally and economic sponsor. And practically the only ally and sponsor. So you recognize Crimea and Abkhazia where to go?

But Putin, I think, is more and more dependent on Lukashenka, or rather, on Lukashenka's antics.. As we can see, he has to “fit in” for a person who turns into a vassal of the Kremlin, but still has not lost independence in planning his own provocations. At the same time, Lukashenko, it seems, needs Putin to support these provocations, to be implicated in them, so that Putin is perceived as their co-author and accomplice..

