The doctor named vitamins to protect against low blood pressure

25 October 2021, 01:42 | Health 
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The doctor named vitamins to protect against low blood pressure Taking the right vitamins is very effective in preventing unpleasant conditions caused by low blood pressure.

Low blood pressure (hypotension) is associated with certain problems - weakness, loss of tone, poor concentration and performance, dizziness and others. Many people are knocked out of action by attacks of hypotension, interfering with leading a full life, doing everyday activities.

Professor Zaur Shugushev said in an interview that the use of certain trace elements can be a good way to protect against such conditions caused by a drop in blood pressure..

" Precisely prevention. Treatment of hypotension with vitamins is not performed "

Shugushev clarified that a doctor should prescribe a vitamin complex necessary for a person.. A well-chosen combination, he stressed, can help the patient "

https: // www. medikforum. ru /.


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