Nutritionist spoke about the important properties of pumpkin

22 October 2021, 13:52 | Health 
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Nutritionist spoke about the important properties of pumpkin Tatiana Dick, nutritionist, listed the useful properties of pumpkin. She reported this to RIA Novosti..

First of all, the specialist noted that the autumn vegetable is a source of an abundant amount of vitamins.. Adding pumpkin to the diet will not harm the figure, since it has a low number of calories, but at the same time opens up ample opportunities to diversify the menu.. It can be used to cook first courses, second courses, desserts and salads..

“The benefits of pumpkin lie in the presence of many vitamins, namely: A, C, E, K. It contains more carotene than carrots. Pumpkin will be very useful for people suffering from constipation, as it contains a sufficient amount of fiber, "

Nevertheless, despite the benefits of the vegetable, the expert warned that people who suffer from inflammatory processes in the digestive tract should stop using it..

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