Dzhelyalov called his arrest revenge of the Russian Federation for participation in the "

11 September 2021, 14:39 | Ukraine 
фото с Зеркало недели

The lawyer of the deputy head of the Mejlis Nariman Dzhelyalov made public his statement.

The political prisoner handed over his letter from the pre-trial detention center, defender Nikolai Polozov reports on Facebook.

In his statement, Dzhelyalov accused the Russian authorities of revenge for their participation in the summit of the Crimean platform.



Detention of the Deputy Head of the Mejlis: The Rada demands from the Russian Federation to stop the persecution of the Crimean Tatars and release the detained citizens [/ see_also].

Also, the deputy head of the Mejlis added that the Russian Federation continues to demonstrate its readiness to expel, isolate people who continue to openly fight for democratic values \u200b\u200band freedoms..

\! I will continue to fight in the ways available to me here in prison, "

Recall that on September 3-4, in the occupied Crimea, the security forces of the Russian Federation abducted the first deputy head of the Mejlis Nariman Dzhelyalov and four more Crimean Tatars - Aziz Akhtemov, Asan Akhtemov, Shevket Useinov and Eldar Odamanov. Protesting against illegal searches and detentions, relatives and caring fellow citizens went to the FSB building in occupied Simferopol.

As a result, the occupants detained more than 50 protesters - Crimean Tatars. They were pushed onto buses, using brute force and beating in the kidneys, and taken to different departments of the Kremlin-controlled " Later most of them were released.

Invaders in Crimea tortured and cruelly treated the deputy head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people Dzhelyalov. Arrested for 2 months, the deputy head of the Mejlis Nariman Dzhelyalov and the brothers Aziz and Asan Akhtemovs are accused of allegedly damaging the gas pipeline in the Perevalnoye area.

On September 8, regular searches and detentions took place in the Russian-occupied Crimea. As a result of the checks, the security forces of the Russian Federation detained a former member of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people in the Simferopol region, Eldar Mensyitov.

Источник: Зеркало недели