NYT Talks How To Recover Lost Motivation

11 September 2021, 13:38 | Peace 
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“Recently I felt good. Even booked myself hours in the public pool and swam several times a week. I couldn't wait for my kids to go back to school to write new stories. With the expansion of the vaccination program, I even made travel plans, "

“After three months I am desperate. Has stopped going to the pool since June. Amid the proliferation of new COVID-19 variants, I'm not too keen on family travel. And when my editor asked me to write a story about motivation, I thought: just not this, ”the author writes..

“Motivation is the energy that makes us act. Lately, many people have lost motivation.. Some may feel complete burnout after a tough year of loss, grief and pandemic. Others may feel the same as me - no big deal, but we can't find our spark. Whatever situation we find ourselves in, taking a close look at motivation can give us more fuel to move forward, ”adds Walker..

Forces that help move forward.

“When you’re looking for your motivation, it’s helpful to consider that it falls into two categories,” said Stefano Di Domenico of the University of Toronto Scarborough..

“First, there is controlled motivation, when you feel that you are being ruled by outside forces such as bonuses, deadlines, practical benefits, guilt or responsibility towards other people.. It's hard to stay motivated if you're not in control of your life.. Often when people say they are out of motivation, what they really mean is, “I do it because I have to, not because I want to,” added Dr. Di Domenico..

“The second kind, autonomous motivation is what we want. When you feel that you are in control of your life, have a natural inclination to solve a given problem, or do something because you really understand why it is worth doing, "

“I wanted more motivation. But when it came to writing a new story, I found that motivation touches many parts of our life - school, work, physical training, volunteering, health - so I didn't even know where to start.. I understood that I had to start small. I decided to start with a cup of tea, ”writes Cameron Walker.

Tiny and timely rewards.

Expectation of reward is not the best method for long-term motivation.. But several studies show that combining small, timely rewards after completing a task improves motivation and pleasure..

Laura Park, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Buffalo, says sport was a regular part of her life before her children, but has now found it difficult to find time to exercise.. When she uses the treadmill for evening workouts, she combines them with watching movies or TV shows on Netflix to make her run more enjoyable..

“I tried to use a similar strategy. I found my favorite cup, which I only use when writing articles, and I brewed my favorite tea or hot chocolate to drink in front of my computer, "

Find a Real Reason for Finding Motivation.

A cup of tea won't take you far. Clinical Psychologist Richard M. Ryan, one of two scientists who developed a well-known approach to understanding motivation called self-determination theory, advises those seeking long-term motivation to dive deeply into their own values..

“When you associate things that are important to you with the things you need to do, you can feel more control over your actions.. What do you like about your job? What core value does it meet? "

Writing about your values \u200b\u200bcan be a good start, says psychologist Tanaya Winder. Winder, who also conducts workshops to restore a sense of motivation, often invites her students to write about what makes them come alive..

Seek support from loved ones.

“I tried to write a few words that were in line with my values.. I was constantly thinking about social interaction and connection - another key part of motivation, "

Winder said she gets motivation from her community and suggested looking at how motivation relates to the people around her, be it your family or even a basketball team..

Such social bonds are critical to regaining motivation, especially after the forced isolation of a pandemic.. Without this fundamental connection, motivation begins to fade..

Feeling depressed at work? Connect with colleagues to collaborate on a project or ask for specific advice that relates to their knowledge. Organize a brainstorming, after-work meeting, or other activity to establish this connection, psychologists advise.

In addition, reaching out to colleagues also improves their motivation..

“Showing someone that you think about them is enough to improve their motivation and remind you that you care,” says Dr. Park..

Dr. Park recently sent a spontaneous thank you to a former college professor for teaching a challenging yet inspiring course.. The professor quickly responded to the former student's words, saying that Park's email had lifted her spirits..

Competition spirit.

People also motivate each other through competition.. In a 2016 study, scientists grouped students into small social networks: some groups were competitive, others supported each other..

Students in competitive groups paid more attention to learning than groups that only supported each other, said study author and University of Pennsylvania professor Damon Centola..

“The people around us influence us more than we think - use this influence in search of a dose of competition when you need motivation, for example for physical training,” advises Dr. Centola.

New " A 2020 study shows that testing new activities can help you stay on top of your exercise regimen..

“I needed both: I had not yet returned to the pool, but heard about the sports marathon from a friend who advised me to take part, it made me start training,” writes Walker.

Don't be afraid to empathize with yourself..

“When it comes to writing an article, the competition just annoys me.. My inner voice becomes aggressive and says things like, “You are lazy and ungrateful.! \! "

" Being empathic about yourself is far more effective than berating yourself, ”says Christine Neff, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin..

“People think they’re going to criticize themselves and that will motivate them to take action, but self-compassion helps you stay focused on goals, reduces fear of failure, and improves self-confidence, which also helps motivation,” Neff adds..

To begin with, Dr. Neff suggested stopping to ask yourself what you really need..

“Maybe it's time to look differently at your mission, or you noticed that you are ready to ask for external support.. Sometimes it is enough to just admit that you are going through difficult times, and this is a normal part of life, ”advises Dr. Neff.

Self-compassion does not mean weakness or a loss of desire to act, says the psychologist.

Dr. Neff's New Book Covers Research on University Students Who Poor Vocabulary Test. Students who were encouraged to be self-compassionate after the test spent more time learning and performed better on the new test, compared to students who were given simple self-esteem comments..

“The most important thing about self-compassion and motivation is that it allows us to learn from our failures,” says Dr. Neff.


“I have a lot of setbacks to learn from, so during my morning run I tried to use empathy for myself.. What i needed? First, exercise and sleep more. I could consider new approaches to my article and ask for advice from some colleagues. But then I realized what I really needed to do: be more attentive, "

“I looked around. Even at dawn, I was not alone: \u200b\u200bI saw people walking their dogs and maintenance workers, as well as those who were driving to work.. I imagined people in hospitals and homes starting a new day, whether they like it or not.. The understanding that we all go forward, fall, but then rise, and again go forward, inspired me to finish the article.. And if you're still reading this, you've also found enough motivation to get here, "


The Washington Post talks about how to support someone suffering from depression.

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Emotional exhaustion is characterized by feelings of fatigue and loss of energy. Depersonalization, or loss of individuality, is a “hostile attitude toward one's work,” as well as a reduced sense of personal achievement.. People who experience burnout are overwhelmed by their own personality and notice that their productivity plummets.. The Washington Post talks about how to deal with burnout.

Источник: Зеркало недели