Arsenal is ready to part with Willock to help out money for the transfer of Edegor

20 May 2021, 22:49 | Football 
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The deal is valued at around ? 20 million.

Arsenal midfielder Joe Willock, on loan for Newcastle, may move to the camp on a permanent basis. Reported by The Telegraph.

According to the source, the Newcastle leadership plans to buy out the 21-year-old Englishman, while the Gunners are ready to consider selling their pupil in order to earn additional funds to sign Martin Edegaard.

It is noted that the transfer of Willock from Arsenal could cost Newcastle about 20 million pounds, but in the future this amount may increase in case of successful performances of the English midfielder.

This season, Joe Willock has played 13 Premier League matches for Newcastle, in which he managed to score 7 goals..

Earlier it was reported that Arsenal wants to bail out 30 million pounds from the sale of the Englishman.
