The UAF Arbitrators Committee explained the episode with the cancellation of penalties in the match Agrobusiness - Dynamo

23 April 2021, 14:43 | Football 
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The football associations clarified the controversial episode of the semifinal meeting.

The Ukrainian Football Association Arbitrators' Committee explained the game episode of the Ukraine Cup 2020/21 semifinal match between Agribusiness and Dynamo.

" The referee of the meeting Maksim Kozyryatsky appointed a 11-meter kick to the goal of the Volochiski club and showed Kurilo a yellow card, believing that it was he who broke the rules.

In this game episode, both players had the intention and ability to kick the ball, but the Dynamo footballer turned out to be more agile, and for a moment was ahead of his opponent.. The orphan played the ball, after which the end of the boot stepped on the foot of the Agribusiness player, who was " At the same time, it is noted that the Dynamo footballer tried to avoid a collision).

After these actions of both players, physical contact between the players is still a place. The BAA, having all the control capabilities (according to the requirements of the BAA Protocol), reviewed the actions of both players and recommended the referee to reconsider the episode on the field for a possible change in the initial decision on the appointment of a penalty and cancellation of the yellow card, arguing that the initiator of the step on the foot (this is what the referee reacted to.

The position of the referee was entirely successful in order to have good control over the actions of the players, however, a certain loss of concentration did not allow him to make the most correct decision that would meet the requirements of the current Laws of the Game, "

To your attention video goals and a review of the match Agribusiness - Dynamo (0: 3).
