Officially: Mourinho fired from Tottenham head coach

19 April 2021, 14:52 | Football 
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The club management did not tolerate the team's failures until the end of the season.

According to information from the editor-in-chief of the British edition of The Telegraph, John Percy, the head coach of London Tottenham, Jose Mourinho, will today go to a meeting with the president of the club, Daniel Levy, during which he will be announced that he will be dismissed from his post..

This decision by the Spurs management is due to the team's unsuccessful performance in the second part of the season..

However, journalist Trevor Azul has information that the Portuguese specialist has decided not to let the team's players into today's training, as a protest against his club's participation in the newly created Super League..

So, Tottenham currently occupies the seventh place in the standings of the English Premier League, and last weekend lost points once again, playing an away draw with Everton (2: 2).

It is worth noting that in 86 games under the Portuguese mentor, the London club have lost 23 matches - the most defeats that Mourinho has with one club in his professional coaching career (Porto, Chelsea, Inter and Real Madrid).

Ryan Mason and Chris Powell will reportedly lead the team for the rest of the season..

UPD. 12:58. The official site of Tottenham has published information about the final decision of the club's management to part with Jose Mourinho and his coaching staff in the person of Joao Sacramento, Nuno Santos, Carlos Lalin and Giovanni Serra.

Spurs Chairman Daniel Levy commented on the resignation: “Jose and his coaching staff were with us during one of the most difficult times in the history of our club.. Jose is a true professional who has shown tremendous resilience during the pandemic. On a personal level, I enjoyed working with him, and I regret that things turned out in this unfortunate way, and not as we both assumed at the time of the appointment.. He will always be welcome at the club and we would like to thank him and his coaching staff for their contribution to our development. "

Let us remind you that next Wednesday, April 21, the London club is scheduled to play in the championship against Southampton, and on the weekend the Spurs will play in the English League Cup final against Manchester City at Wembley.
